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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still Alive

You have permission to commence with the freaking out now.

And that could mean a) freaking out from happiness that I'm actually back and not dead, b) freaking out at me for being a colossal jackass, or c) probably both if you still bother to come here after almost a full year of inactivity.

I would say that Mystic Girl is done but even I can't make that joke at this point. It's still sitting around somewhere, largely where it was when I made the post below this. It's possible I could finish it at some point. It's also obviously possible I could not. I probably should, just as some sort of repentance.

At this point, why did I bother coming back? I'm not sure. I guess just to say thanks to anyone who was sincerely concerned about my health. I don't really deserve that sort of concern. I made a promise I fully intended to keep and I broke it. No excuses, I just outright broke it.

Where was I? What have I been doing? Why didn't I say anything?

The project I was working on before, that kept me from having time to work on Mystic Girl, went poorly. So when it was over my spirit was a little broken and I just didn't want to do it anymore. It took a while for me to get over things. For a while I just didn't do very much, and then I busied myself with other matters.

So here we are almost a year later. I'm doing pretty good now. Happier, healthier, and working on things that are going very well for me. If Mystic Girl can fit into this life somehow it'll get done. That's no promise, though. I'm not making those anymore.

I am, however, going to read through the entire ludicrously long series of comments on that last post. As self-inflicted punishment. =)